Saturday, September 29, 2018

The 4G will reach the Moon

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The 4G will reach the Moon

It will allow the future streaming of the return of the human being to the Earth's satellite

    PTScientist, Vodafone Germany, Audi and Space X work side by side to get back on the Moon, but, this time, with private financing. Mission to the Moon aims 2019 and Cape Canaveral to bring a Falcon 9 to the Earth satellite.

50 years after the man stepped on the moon for the first time, Vodafone and Nokia have proposed to take the 4G in 2019 to the satellite.

The 4G network will allow Audi lunar quattro rovers to communicate and transfer scientific data and HD video as they carefully approach and study NASA's Apollo 17 lunar exploration vehicle. This vehicle was used by the last astronauts who walked the Moon (Commander Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt) to explore the Taurus-Littrow valley in December 1972.

    It is a crucial first step for the sustainable exploration of the solar system, so that humanity can leave its home on Earth, we must develop infrastructures beyond our planet," explains Robert Böhme, CEO and founder of PTScientists.

The Vodafone tests indicate that the base station should be able to emit 4G using the 1800 MHz frequency band and send the first live HD video broadcast from the surface of the Moon.

This broadcast will be broadcast to a global audience through a link in the deep space that interconnects with the PTScientists server at the Mission Control Center in Berlin.

    This project adopts a radically innovative approach in the development of mobile network infrastructure, and is an excellent example of an independent and multidisciplinary team that achieves a goal of enormous importance thanks to its courage, pioneering spirit and inventiveness", highlights Hannes Ametsreiter, CEO of Vodafone Germany

A 4G network offers high energy efficiency compared to analog radio and will play an essential role in Mission to the Moon. In addition, it will be the first step to establish a communications infrastructure for future missions.

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