Sunday, September 30, 2018

This chip makes any product smart

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This chip makes any product smart

Thinker is designed to understand, support neural networks and consume little energy

    China has set a goal and is to make any device smart. The project is from Tsinghua University in Beijing that has developed a chip to support neural networks, according to MIT Technology Review.

Thinker, as its name is, is able to satisfy the needs of the software to which it is coupled and stands out for its low energy expenditure . With this tiny device you can get recognition of objects in images or understanding of human speech.

This is one of the projects in which the Asian giant has gone to work to lead a technology called, according to experts, to lead the development in the coming years.

     Big brands such as Samsung or China Huawei have already allocated resources to the development of artificial intelligence chips . Although, the real research is taking place in the laboratories of the universities of the Asian giant.

A research team from the Institute of Information Technology (ICT) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences announced that by the beginning of this month it will start working with a local semiconductor manufacturer to produce a small batch of chips that can be used in robots.

The device, called Dadu, will have two cores: one to execute neural networks and another to control movement. The neuronal core executes the vision algorithms, but it also allows the movement core to plan the optimal path to reach a destination or the best movement to grab an object.
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What does an electronic nose smell?

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What does an electronic nose smell?

These innovative systems serve both to detect diseases through olfactory patterns and to find and deactivate explosive devices

  When it comes to competing in the animal kingdom, the human nose loses the battle at the first moment of change. According to a study by Japanese researchers, elephants have a smell five times more developed than that of humans and more than dogs. They have 811 olfactory receptors. Humans only 386, although for some scientists there is no problem.

"We can detect and discriminate an extraordinary range of smells, we are more sensitive than rodents and dogs to some of them, we are able to track odor traces and our behavioral and affective states are influenced by our sense of smell," says John McGann , associate professor at Rutgers University in New Brunswick.

    Although the best friends of the human being, dogs, are still the preferred ones to detect explosives and prohibited substances, the advance of technology has introduced a new protagonist in this sector: the electronic naris. "A person or an animal is able to distinguish according to what smell due to sensors that connect with the neurons of the brain." An "eNose", in a certain way, does the same, "says Juan Bautista Talens, a professor at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV).

Bautista is part of the group of researchers at the Gandía campus of the UPV and the La Fe Sanitary Research Institute (IIS La Fe) that has developed a prototype electronic nose that can distinguish patients with Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. More than 400 tests conducted since 2014, all based on a simple 'software' and 32 sensors. "Through the use of 'software' for data mining, we can test with different algorithms and / or neural networks reserving samples to test them and samples to train," says Bautista. This system is able to recognize olfactory patterns, so they are trying to test those substances that may have differences in their aroma. "Stools in the case of digestive diseases and urine in other pathologies",

     The device - called Moosy 32 eNose - also detects if the disease is active with an accuracy close to 90%. The nose devised by the Valencian researchers can detect volatile organic compounds that act as diagnostic markers or of intensity of the activity of the disease. "Although it may seem simple, it requires a lot of analysis, repetitions, adjustments and simulations." 

Pilar Nos, Head of Digestive Medicine at Hospital La Fe, explains that "volatile organic compounds are originated by physiological processes of metabolism in the human body, and are expelled as waste through faeces. being a differential marker in certain intestinal diseases and its precise detection, through non-invasive devices such as the electronic nose, would be a great advance for the diagnosis and monitoring of the evolution of these diseases. "

The development of this prototype has been funded by the Generalitat Valenciana. In addition, the initial part of the project - the feasibility study that served to establish the foundations of the system - was paid for by Inbio, a scientific collaboration structure between the UPV and La Fe. Although "funding has been terminated", denounce Baptist.

'ENose' cops
The technological advance in this sector is not only focused on medicine. Two researchers from the Group of Perception and Intelligent Systems (PSI) of the University of Extremadura together with the chief inspector of the TEDAX-NRBQ Group of Badajoz have developed the research work "Artificial Olfactory Systems for the Detection of Hazardous Agents".

A laborious project whose authors, Jesús Lozano Rogado and José Luis Herrero and policeman José Miguel Sánchez, have been awarded the Spanish Police Foundation Research Prize for 2016-2017. Its proposal of artificial olfactory system allows to detect chemical and explosive atmospheres remotely by means of gas sensors, combined with artificial intelligence techniques . The device, which is easy to use through a mobile phone or tablet, has as its main advantage the security it offers TEDAX specialists to be able to work remotely.

"It is an electronic system that incorporates several sensors of gases, temperature and humidity that are connected wirelessly to a device that performs data processing and indicates what type of environment the device is in," Jesús Lozano explains in an interview. release.

Current threats require a very wide field in the search for new detection technologies that are translated at the field level in equipment with high response speed, sensitivity, small size, low cost, low frequency of false alarms, etc., for improve the response to these NRBC-E attacks, in which the price does not represent a stumbling block to guarantee security.

'Low cost' system
"This electronic system, compared to other technologies on the market, has the added value of its low cost, since with only 700 euros you have similar benefits than other much more expensive detectors," says the University of Extremadura on its website.

In addition, the main advantage offered by this device is the possibility of working remotely. For the TEDAX work of the Police , one of the key requirements is security, so this point becomes vital. The electronic nose can be adapted to a drone or mobile robot avoiding personal travel to the dangerous area. In addition, you can consult the data in real time.

Laboratory tests support this system for the detection of explosives, dynamite, gunpowder, pentrite and chemical substances such as chlorine, ammonia, acetone and hydrogen peroxide. It can also detect the precursors of the TATP explosive, commonly used by jihadist terrorism. Until now, there was no detector that contemplated such a diverse range of explosives and narcotics.
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Your payroll in bitcoins

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Your payroll in bitcoins

Spanish companies begin to get on the cryptocurrency cart and some already think of bitcoins to pay their employees and receive payments

    A large part of the population is not clear about what bitcoins are, although it is a term that has become very popular in the last two years, but on the other hand there are those who already receive part of their salary in this virtual currency and even have the possibility of buying houses and trips with her. As in all technological advances, "it will take a few years" for the population to adapt to change and "cryptocurrencies become a day-to-day thing".

Curro Quevedo works from Zooo, a mobile repair shop in the ABC Serrano shopping center in Madrid, where one of the first cryptocurrencies ATMs in the Bitnovo company has been installed. The responsible says that although it has been installed for a year and a half, at first it was not very used. However now "every day people come to buy bitcoins"

    How does it work? It is not a cashier to use, but rather it is a vending machine in which you enter the amount in euros that you want to exchange for bitcoins (from 10 to 500 euros) and generate a coupon that the customer You can change on your website for the virtual currency within three months. "There are people who although they bought it today, do not exchange it for another week because they are waiting for the change, this currency fluctuates a lot," explains Quevedo.

Are there already salaries in bitcoins?
"Some companies already pay in bitcoins in Spain," says Pablo F. Burgueño, founder of NevTrace and an expert in crypto-dumbs. In his case explains that they raised in the company but decided it was better to continue charging in euros and then each "bought the bitcoins you want" because by law "you can only receive 30% of salary in this currency" because it is recognized as a payment in kind to be a digital asset.

It is, therefore, a payment in kind of very high risk. "If this large amount is given to the worker, he runs the risk of losing everything, so it can not be imposed that the collection is like that and at most 30% of the total salary," explains Burgueño.

Different is the case of the company ReparaTuDeuda , where they have decided that their employees can collect the part of the salary that they decide in bitcoins although they make it clear that "not as a tax benefit because everything will pay the same, but to encourage the use of new technologies" , says Enrique Espinosa, CTO of the company.

At the moment they are in the phase of training courses so that workers learn more about this cryptocurrency and make their decision. In addition, the CTO announces that ATMs will be installed in its headquarters so that people with their "virtual wallet can change bitcoins for euros".

There are more cases outside our borders. The Japanese Internet services giant GMO announced last December that it will pay in bitcoin part of the salaries to those of its 4,700 employees who wish to do so starting in February, which is the first initiative of its kind among large companies in the world. country. The company offers to receive a fraction of its salary between 10,000 yen (74 euros) and 100,000 yen (748 euros) in the virtual currency. Its objective is to "promote the active use of virtual currency" among its employees and "increase its knowledge about this type of currency," according to a statement from the Japanese company.

Houses in bitcoins
Despite the distrust it generates in the market, the recent restrictions against it and the increase of its control by the Treasury, the bitcoin is also getting stronger in the real estate market, where experts believe that the consolidation of this Currency is just a matter of time. In fact, there are already houses that are for sale only in bitcoins in the photo portal Fotocasa.

It is a house in El Sauzal, in Santa Cruz de Tenerife of 200 m2 with sea views. It can be purchased only through the cryptocurrency for a price of 45 bitcoins (about 450,000 euros). From Fotocasa assure this newspaper that this is a trend "totally new and not yet has many followers." Currently in the portal have nine homes that accept payment in bitcoins. They emphasize the fact that of these houses, four are in Catalonia. "Being intermediaries are not present at any time of the exchange, so while the type of payment is legal and regulated, we will let them announce the type of payment that owners want to make", explain the same sources.
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Can you (and should) be anonymous on the Internet?

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Can you (and should) be anonymous on the Internet?

The proposal of the PP to end anonymity in social networks will be difficult to get ahead

    Both on social networks and on forums and websites, many users prefer not to give their real name and show their opinion under a pseudonym. A strategy almost as old as literature. But is this anonymity on the Internet legal?

For now, yes. Anyone can use many of the services and tools of the Internet without having to show their true identity. In fact, some of the accounts that more followers drag on many of these social networks respond to the profile of an anonymous.

"People have the right to surf anonymously on the Internet if they do not commit a crime and do so in a positive way," says the president of the Association of Internet Users, Víctor Domingo, who, therefore, considers that "it does not make sense" to legislate the anonymity so that it is illegal.

    However, on December 26, the Popular Party presented in the Congress of Deputies a proposal not of law with which it aims to end the "impunity of anonymity on the Internet."

Legal sources consulted by this newspaper consider that it is very difficult to end anonymity on the Internet. They also explain that freedom of information is a fundamental right that one can exercise freely, anonymously or not. "Anonymity gives you a shell to say things that if you did not have it, you would not say," they maintain.

«You have to make a positive education about the use of the internet and its tools»

And in this context, Victor Domingo advocates improving the electronic DNI. "If the PP or the PSOE wanted us all to be identified, it would be better to have an electronic ID that worked. That would facilitate the work so that everyone was identified, "he says.

A few days ago the controversy arose because the alleged real identity of one of those anonymous accounts on Twitter had been revealed. Is it permissible to remove a user from this anonymity?

Here two assumptions must be distinguished: one in which yes and another in which no. In this case, as explained by these legal sources, it is a mere game of masks. Although intellectual property does protect authors who publish under a pseudonym, in this case there would be no crime in revealing the true identity of a user.

However, and as Domingo says, doing it "is a lack of decorum and education." Something that would also be incurred by those people who retweet and make known that leak. "The yardstick has to be the same for everyone. There is a paradox that other anonymous accounts have spread this forced 'exit from the closet', he says.

The proposal of the PP went more directed to avoid that some people shield themselves behind an avatar to insult and even to harass other Internet users. In any case, it should be noted that nobody is truly 100% anonymous on the Internet.

Both Víctor Domingo and the legal sources consulted agree that the State Security Forces have adequate tools to identify any Internet user, if necessary, under judicial protection.

"If at any given time you need to know who is behind an account, I can require the social network to give me information under a court order," explain legal experts, who stress that "anonymity is not synonymous with impunity."

In addition, Domingo warns that it is easier to locate a crime on the Internet than in a physical world. "You are always associated with an IP number, which is a personal data and that is why you can not legislate."

Finally, this expert points out that we must make positive use of the law and the internet. «We must do a positive education on the use of the internet and its tools. All governments should have an impact on this type of education. The underlying problem is that we have found ourselves with a very powerful communication tool that is not always well used. We are learning almost self-taught. The administration should make this educational effort, and not laws that are useless, "he concludes.
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Saturday, September 29, 2018

TIAGo, the robot assistant made in Spain

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TIAGo, the robot assistant made in Spain

The semihumanoid device is programmed to help the elderly at home

     About five million Spaniards live alone and the vast majority are people over 65, according to data from the National Institute of Statistics (INE). By Autonomous Communities, those with the highest percentage of single-person households are Asturias, Castilla y León and La Rioja.

Technology has become an ally to help older people to carry out their daily tasks and monitor the day to day of the elderly. This is the summary of the Catalan project of the company PAL Robotics, which has developed a semihumanoid robot capable of giving the pills at the time it touches, monitoring vital signs and physical state, and locating the keys or the mobile.

     TIAGo, which is the name of the device, is able to accompany sick or dependent people who are notified about the time to eat. In addition, the robot is also prepared to recommend healthy dishes, carry objects and monitor the vital signs of the elderly

"The robot allows the elderly to stay longer at home" instead of having to go to a center or residence as it lengthens, on average, between 2 and 3 years the time of their autonomy, says Francesco Ferro to the EFE Agency

TIAGo is also able to detect objects previously marked with a special label, such as keys or mobile phone, and assist the person at bedtime, such as tucking her up or helping her get into bed, all of this "to preserve the dignity of the person ", explains the director of communication of PAL Robotics, Judith Viladomat.

The user can also teach the robot to develop new functions because it is "very easy to program since one of the objectives is for everyone to be able to use it", according to its creators.

The price of the robot varies between 20,000 and 60,000 euros depending on its components, but Ferro stresses that "you have to lower the price of robots so that everyone can have one at home."
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The first call 5G is achieved in Spain

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The first call 5G is achieved in Spain

Huawei and Vodafone manage to complete the first connection of this type with the new commercial standard NSA

    Castelldefells (Barcelona) and Madrid. These two cities are the transmitter and receiver of the first 5G call in the world with the commercial standard NSA (Non Stand Alone). This framework approved last December will be the one that is incorporated into the commercial expansion of this new technology that will arrive in the coming months.

The new standard contemplates the use, in a first phase, of the infrastructure of the 4G network for the control and management of traffic, so it will be necessary that both terminals and base stations can establish "dual" connectivity to networks 4G and 5G at the same time.

    This new standard reaches speeds above 2 Gbps and latencies below 10 milliseconds. "The first 5G call has been made just two months after the new 5G standard on dual infrastructures (5G / 4G) has been published, the deadline has been much shorter than that foreseen by the Industry," says Peter Meissner, CEO and member of the Board of the NGMN Alliance.

The promoters of this first call are Huawei and Vodafone who remember "that is the only standard that will support commercial phones in the short and medium term". "The success of the test conducted today will allow us to move forward with new tests throughout Europe throughout 2018," says Santiago Tenorio, director of Architecture and Network Strategy of the Vodafone Group.

"The test done today shows the maturity of the development of 5G over the standard approved by 3GPP. We are ready to advance our collaboration with Vodafone and start commercial trials, "adds Yang Chaobin, president of Huawei's 5G Product Line
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Puigdemont clears his mansion in Google Maps Waterloo

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Puigdemont clears his mansion in Google Maps Waterloo

Users who want to locate the home in the search engine will find a blurred spot that prevents them from seeing the house

    A few weeks ago, it was announced that the former president of the Generalitat of Catalonia, Carles Puigdemont, had rented a luxurious mansion in the Belgian town of Waterloo, south of Brussels. Within a few hours, the area around the residence was filled with media and curious people who wanted to see what the new home of the escaped politician could be.

However, faced with the expectation that caused the news, the former president of Catalonia has decided to delete it from Google Maps . That is, now, if you look for the 40 Avenue de l'Avocat , in Waterloo, what appears is a blur that prevents you from seeing the house. This decision may have taken also by the little grace that made the owner of the mansion see his property protagonist of all the news.

     The residence is an area of ​​550 square meters, six rooms, three bathrooms and a sauna, for which Puigdemont pays 4,400 euros per month.

The deletion of this type of images in Google Maps is relatively common among public figures, who ask the company that their homes not appear clear in the searches, but that, as in this case, there is a blur that prevents them from seeing clarity the residence.
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The addiction of the Spaniards to the mobile does not cease

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The addiction of the Spaniards to the mobile does not cease

Three out of four Spaniards say they could not live without a cell phone

    The smartphone is one of the devices with more presence in the pockets of the Spanish and the Spanish. Specifically, nine out of ten Spaniards have a mobile phone, according to data from the CNMC.

Device that has become an essential tool, since three of every four Spaniards affirm that they could not live without it, according to the "IV Study of Online Comparison towards Smart Saving", carried out by

Leisure, communication and entertainment are some of the most frequent uses of smartphones. However, the need for these devices has led to an increase of more than ten percentage points when it comes to encrypting their dependence.

      In 2016, smartphone dependence stood at 17.7%, now that figure stands at 28.3% or what is the same, almost three out of ten Spaniards claim to be addicted to their terminal.

In this sense, 44% of the population claims to be on the phone when they are with friends, family and even with their partner and up to 52.2% say that looking at the mobile is the first and the last thing they do every day. Moreover, even 16.6% look at the mobile when driving, a figure that in 2016 stood at 13.6%.

"The mobile phone has been integrated into our life to such an extent that many users do not conceive their day to day without using it at some time. To avoid pathologies derived from an abusive use of it, it is essential to be aware of the real use we make of our smartphone and to try, therefore, to be responsible with it ", highlights Álvaro Bas, director of business development at .

Spaniards calculate that they spend an average of 3 hours and 22 minutes a day using their mobile phone actively, but this data is the lowest of the last three years and only in the last year has been reduced by 52 minutes, which puts It is clear that the population is starting to make more responsible use of these devices.

The users with a more active profile of mobile phone use are young people between 18 and 24 years old, where the average daily hours amount to 5 hours and 25 minutes (two hours more than the national average), in contrast to the adults over 55 and 65 years old (2 hours and 18 minutes).

However, the time of use of the mobile phone in the youngest has been reduced by one hour and 23 minutes compared to the average of the previous year, which shows that this generation is trying to make more responsible use of their devices mobile
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The Civil Guard blocks 23 websites for downloading movies and games

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The Civil Guard blocks 23 websites for downloading movies and games

Divxtotal, Gamestorrents and Estrenosdtl, among others, gave access to P2P links for direct download of all kinds of protected audiovisual material, in some cases without having been released in Spain yet

    The Civil Guard has announced on Tuesday that it has launched a campaign to block websites downloading content protected by copyright with the blocking of 23 web pages that link free of charge to sites where movies, series, music and video games were downloaded. .

In this first phase of the 'Cascada' operation, which is led by the Central Operational Unit (UCO), a total of 23 web domains have been blocked from which P2P links were directly downloaded from all types of protected audiovisual material. in some cases without having been released in Spain yet.

    According to the Guardia Civil, the blocked websites, including, or, offered high quality versions of films available on the cinema billboards of our country, without even having They were put on sale in physical or digital format and dubbed with audio in several languages.

Most of the web pages investigated had very high rates of daily visits, some of them being the best known and used in our country to download illegally and free of charge, all kinds of protected audiovisual material. These domains were created in the beginning by a person of Spanish origin, who then sold them to a company based in Argentina, current owner and administrator thereof.

     According to the researchers, those responsible for these pages used various methods to avoid closing or blocking such as hiding the actual location of their servers and the registration data of the contracted domains, even to the constant change of the location of their servers in several countries .

The Department of Telematic Crimes of the UCO has detected cases in which domains previously blocked judicially, were reactivated in a matter of hours, with virtually identical domain names or even changing only the extension of the same.
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The most politicized Mobile begins

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The most politicized Mobile begins

Despite the organizers' warnings to take the technology fair to another city if the climate of instability continues, pro-independence groups place placards and plant the King at the inaugural dinner

    All eyes are on Barcelona and, for the first time in months, it is not for a political reason. The most important mobility fair in the world, the Mobile World Congress, has given its kick-off on Monday in its thirteenth edition in Barcelona . This Sunday the great technological firms are already beginning to teach their letters to the media, although this year with more measured presentations than on other occasions.

But not everything is technology in this global event. After rumors about the possible displacement of MWC to another location after the illegal referendum of October 1 last week the CEO of the company organizing the Mobile (GSMA), John Hoffman, launched a strong message at a press conference: no an environment of stability, the door is open to leave Barcelona . The commitment to the Catalan capital is until 2023 per contract, but is subject to a "security" environment.

     However, the warning does not seem to have penetrated the independence sector that has seen in the event a golden opportunity to internationalize the conflict. The most striking feature was the installation of a 28 x 10 meter banner in the Plaza de Cataluña with the slogan 'Free Political Prisoners', alluding to the incarcerated Junqueras, Forn and Jordis.

And to encourage more the environment, this Sunday comes to Barcelona King Felipe VI on his first visit since the demonstration for the attacks last August. In the edition of last year, the Monarch coincided with the then president of the Generalitat, Carles Puigdemont, now fled in Brussels. On this occasion the attendance of the president of the Parlament, Roger Torrent is expected, but the mayor Ada Colau rejected the invitation on Saturdayfor "institutional responsibility before the thousands of people who suffered police charges" on 1-O. In addition, two independent leaders have already announced that they will not attend the opening ceremony with the King either. Both the Secretary of Information Technologies of the Generalitat, Jordi Puigneró, and the president of the ERC group in the City Hall, Alfred Bosch, have appealed to the "protest" for the speech of Felipe VI after the referendum.

For its part, the Òmnium Cultural independence organization has called a protest in the presence of the King in Barcelona and claim to blow the horns of cars and go out to the balcony with pots at the scheduled time of arrival at the event, about 21 hours this Sunday.
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What would Barcelona miss if the Mobile changed its city?

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What would Barcelona miss if the Mobile changed its city?

The technological fair generates an economic impact of 471 million euros and involves the creation of 13,000 temporary jobs

     The Mobile World Congress (MWC) not only brings technology and big conferences to Barcelona, ​​but it also generates an economic impact that many cities look with greedy eyes since the independence crisis began. This year's edition (the thirteenth held in Barcelona) expects to attract 108,000 attendees, the same number as last year. The speakers, businessmen and media come from 200 countries and generate an economic impact of 471 million in the city, according to GSMA, an association that groups the mobile industry and organizes the event. Since 2006, the MWC has left more than 4,400 million in the Ciudad Condal.

The fair will feature in this edition with some 2,300 exhibiting companies (197 Spanish) and 170 international delegations, something that shows the great world speaker that is an event of this kind for a city. The exhibition center puts at the disposal of the Mobile 240,000 square meters of exhibition distributed in eight pavilions, which is equivalent to 40 football fields.

      The organization claims that 13,000 temporary jobs have been created among which there are audiovisual technicians, architects, journalists, engineers, computer specialists, carpenters, drivers, private security personnel, cooks and waiters, hostesses and cleaners. For the human resources company Adecco, this amount increases to 15,000 jobs between direct and indirect jobs, that is, 13.6% more than in the 2017 edition. Since the first edition has generated about 115,000 part-time jobs . In addition, the event fills the hotels of the capital and several kilometers around, which raise prices significantly during this week.

The Guild of Hotels of Barcelona informed that the establishments of the city are full during the four days that the technological fair lasts. On the other hand, the Barcelona Catering Association has indicated that the cost of restaurants for congressmen is estimated at 20 million euros, an amount that would rise to 30 million if they add lunches and days before and after the MWC. All this, however, is at stake for the independence struggle.
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Cacerolada against the presence of Felipe VI in Catalonia

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Cacerolada against the presence of Felipe VI in Catalonia

A detainee for alleged aggression against the Mossos in the protests in Barcelona

    Thousands of people have made a cacerolada this Sunday at 21.00 hours in points throughout the city of Barcelona to protest against the presence of King Felipe VI, who attends the inaugural dinner of the Mobile World Congress (MWC) at the Palau de la Música Catalan

The protest has been felt in several neighborhoods of the city and especially in the vicinity of the Palau de la Música Catalana, where the inaugural dinner of the Mobile World Congress (MWC) is being held with the presence of the King, for the concentration convened by the Committees of Defense of the Republic (CDR).

"You're not welcome in Catalonia," one protester told the king. "If the person who has to act as a mediator, puts himself on the side of the beaters, what do you want us to receive with applause?", Another protester asked.

Mild wounds

The tension that has been lived in the area of ​​Via Laietana and streets near the Palau de la Música, in the center of Barcelona, ​​with concentrations against the visit of the King on the occasion of the MWC, has been settled so far with five wounded slight as a result of the performance of the Mossos d'Esquadra.

The tension that has lived in the area of ​​Via Laietana and streets near the Palau de la Música, in the center of Barcelona, ​​with concentrations against the King's visit on the occasion of the MWC, has resulted in 19 minor injuries of the performance of the Mossos d'Esquadra, according to the latest data. Some of these people have been injured by falling when the agents of the Mossos have recomposed the fences that prevent the passage to Comtal Street, in a few loads so that the protesters did not access the outskirts of the Palau de la Música.

The hundreds of independentistas who still manifest themselves called by the so-called "defense committees of the republic" sing slogans such as "We are not afraid", "Outside the occupation forces" and "We are republic", besides making noises with whistles and saucepans .

The councilor of the CUP in the city of Barcelona, ​​María José Lecha, has complained on her Twitter account that the Mossos have set aside the group in which she was "hitting the baton" to hide them from the King, as indicated.

The Mossos d'Esquadra have arrested a person in the Correos area, in Via Laietana, allegedly for assaulting Catalan police agents, within the framework of the device to protect the arrival of the King at the Palau de la Música. Sources of the Mossos d'Esquadra have informed that the detainee is accused of an attack against the authority for having assaulted an undetermined number of agents, who have not been injured.

The same sources have pointed out that the protection device for Felipe VI on the occasion of the welcome dinner for the Mobile World Congress (MWC) at the Palau de la Música, will remain active until the royal party departs.
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